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02. DON'T SAVE ME ft. tanya dutt

03. SAY NO MORE FT. Tal Heller

04. One of the boys FT. ZOE GELINAS


06. HOliMOli


08. SHE ft. p'tah johnson


10. MURMAID ft. P'tah johnson


One of the boys FT. ZOE GELINAS




What is the inspiration for this song?

For all of my LGBTQA folks. Being gay and not understanding what that means. In a broader sense, it's about going through growing pains and feeling like you aren't yourself but you're on the journey of discovering yourself.


What does this song celebrate?

Just being free and liberated to love whoever you want. To stick to your heart and listen to your heart when it is speaking to you.


What is the most memorable moment during writing this song?

The fact that it wasn't even going to be made. When I wrote it, I thought that maybe it was dumb. I wrote it thinking who really cares. Then as the song started developing and others listened to it, I soon discovered the potential of my message as well as the music and the impact it could have on others who felt the same way I did.

SAY NO MORE FT. Tal Heller




Are these true stories?

Yes. Everything I write is a true story.


Are you taking an apologetic stance on this record, or a sarcastic stance?

That's up to the listener.


The sounds you used on this record are really unique. What attracted you to them?

Originally this record was just piano and strings. I loved the intimacy and vulnerability of the music. I also loved the fact that it provided me a landscape to tell my story. I wanted to listener to feel the emotion.

MURMAID ft. p'tah johnson




Compared to your other records, this one seemed darker. 

I believe every person has a darker side to them, it's just some decide to show it more than others.


What made you want to confront such demons in such a public fashion?

Alcoholism is all around us. Every person knows someone or of someone who suffers from this, or some type of drug abuse. It's good to be honest with yourself and others.


What was the creative process like making this track?

I woke up at 4am behind the wheel after I passed out on the side street in Boston and asked myself what the fuck I was doing. When I brought it to P'tah and Aaron of T.R.U.L.Y. Yours Productions, they were just really focused on bringing out the intensity of the track and keeping it true to form- as raw as possible. We added bottle noises in the background of the track and demonic adlibs to represent the grip addition has.

NOT THE ONE ft. tanya dutt




What is this song about?

Life, Learning, and letting go.


Where were you when you wrote this joint? 

I was actually in the studio. My producer had called me up during a snow storm and said he wanted to go through some of his beats. When I stepped into the studio, it was dark and there was a small green light. I took it as a sign that I needed to go in on a few things.


What was your favorite part about making this track?

I love the anger in the song. I love the fact that it speaks with a message and empowers the listener to understand they have choices and decisions they can make about situations. No one has to be stuck. That being said, the vocals were my favorite part about making this track because I wanted to give it an authentic feel and speak from a place I hid for such a long time.





What is Born to Dream About?

Never giving up. It's about passion, drive and motivation to keep your dream alive in your everyday existence. No matter how old, young, poor, rich, shy, loud or nationality you are.


What inspired you to create this song?

I wanted to make a positive song about success that doesn't rely on emphasizing the gain of money, naked women, and really any monetary objective. The type of success that can genuinely make others happy with out any of that. Everyone is entitled to dream, and anyone can make their dreams become reality.


There is a heavy alternative rock/pop influence in this song. Did you have any of those influences growing up?

When I was growing up, I'd listen to my Mom blast Norah Jones, Rod Stewart and Fleetwood Mac. My Dad would blast the Beatles, Stones, Bob Marley, Temptations, Chuck Berry, and folk music. There was such a wide range of music being played in the house. My Dad also played guitar and I'd listen to the same damn song every night when I went to bed.

COLOR OF LOVE FT. Alysha russo




What inspired this song?

My cousins. I have three adopted cousins. I went through a lot with them and they continue to go through things that I couldn't even imagine.


Who did you write this for?

My cousins and my friends. I wrote this song to comfort them in their thoughts and their journey. I know that there are a lot of others that feel similar and it pains me to think that some kids feel like they are totally alone in this world.


What is the underlining message?

There is none besides love. Showing love to others around you. There is not one answer, but many. The underlining message is love.





This record is really different than the rest of the album...

Yea, I wanted to play around with electro sounds. One of my favorite rappers is Andre 3000 and I love his versatility. I also loved the fact that he incorporated electro funk sounds into his music.


Who did you work with on this record?

I worked with DJ Vous based out of Boston, MA. His work ethic is insane. I gave him the concept of the track and he put his magic touch on it.


What is the essence of the track?

This shit is just for you to feel good and party to. Beast Mode is like when you get with a bunch of your fam and you just go out for a crazy night on the town. Almost like a HangOver night. I am a fan of dance and electronic music, so I wanted to dabble a little.





How were you influenced by Rock music?

Funny you should ask. Growing up, my father and brother listened to a lot of rock music. Everything from 50's rock, and the Beatles, to the Pixies, to Led Zepelin. I always liked it, but I was more drawn to hip-hop. Everytime I spoke to older caucasian men, they assumed I knew what they were talking about. I didn't, and sometimes I still don't. Again, not because I don't like Rock music, but because I gravitated more towards hip-hop. I did this track to pay homage to the roots of the music in which was always around me when I was growing up.


What is this song about?

Church, hahahahaa. kiddin...


Who did you work with on this record?

I produced this record myself, well the basics. Then we had my friend Brad Faucher who is an amazing guitarist come and rip on it.


What is the essence of the track?

To make you rock out, really.





Why did you write this?

I made Caitlin Martin because for a long time I feel like my life is a parody. Whatever God is up there must of decided they really wanted to upset the common law of human life as we know it. Maybe God said "You know what, let's put an awkward, chubby, dorky,  5 ft nothing white girl rapper in the middle of a suburban community, and then make her spend her summers in Yonkers, and add some black cousins in the mix a long with an entourage of gay aunts and lets see how she deals with it...


Who did you write this for?

ME! Hahaha. I wanted to have a little fun with shit. I wrote this song for all of those who can relate to being an outcast, for being the loser in the room, for being the class clown, or for just being you. I also wrote this for all of my friends back home who shared my hip-hop journey with me in high school and college.


Why did you put this on your album?

What better than to introduce yourself with an alter-super hero version of yourself. I feel like the hip-hop community often associates their "real"isms with music that hits hard and is damn serious. Caitlin Martin! was a way for me to truly free and liberate myself by saying- you're stereotypes may be right but I can rap motherfuckers. A lot of other "White Rappers" as the world calls them tend to shy away from their "Whiteness", but fuck it. I am who I am. A "White Girl Rapper."


What were you trying to accomplish when you produced this song?

I was going for weird, comedic, quirky, WTF. I tried to use sounds to reflect these qualities that I believe best define me. I wanted to put in the doo-wop singers voices to enhance comedic value.





How do you like this record compared to the others? 

Soulful. This record hits my heart melodically.

Kajmir Royal did an amazing job constructing this beat. In post recording, we had a few cats come through and add their touch on it so that it created a live feel.


Do you like working with live instrumentation?

To me it's not even a matter of like, it's necessary for me to function properly. 


How did the creation of this hook come about?

I was zoning in my room when I lived in Yonkers. I lit the candles and looked past the fire escape from my window. The city was painted with lights and I spun a little Billie Holiday for inspiration. After that, I just began writing as I channeled the Harlem Renaissance spirit of poetry and beatnic. Love this track because of the spirit in it.


What is Pretty about?

Being Pretty.


Would you consider yourself a feminist?

Would you?


Who are you targeting in this song?

Everyone who has a twisted perception of what Pretty is.


Who are those people?


SHE ft. p'tah johnson

Do you think this track is controversial?

What's so controversial, doesn't America love sex?


Well, yes. However it is about your experiences with women. How do you expect others to take it?

There are so many individuals out there who are not out the closet and have messed with other women on the low, or they find woman attractive. To me, sexuality is nature and cultural stigma is nurture, you can do the math.


This track has a Prince undertone mixed with a rock ballad twist. It's extremely different and pretty in your face. What is the best way to describe this to a listener?

It's a journey, it's music, it's life and most importantly it's the truth. Like it or leave it.




One of the boys FT. ZOE GELINAS



What is the inspiration for this song?

For all of my LGBTQA folks. Being gay and not understanding what that means. In a broader sense, it's about going through growing pains and feeling like you aren't yourself but you're on the journey of discovering yourself.


What does this song celebrate?

Just being free and liberated to love whoever you want. To stick to your heart and listen to your heart when it is speaking to you.


What is the most memorable moment during writing this song?

The fact that it wasn't even going to be made. When I wrote it, I thought that maybe it was dumb. I wrote it thinking who really cares. Then as the song started developing and others listened to it, I soon discovered the potential of my message as well as the music and the impact it could have on others who felt the same way I did.


Produced By: Jass Bianchi of COLORinSOUND, Robie Rowland of Echo Studios, and Teddy Roxpin. Rap Lyrics & Rap Vocals By: Jass Bianchi. Chorus Vocals By: Zoe Gelinas. Instrumentation By: Teddy Roxpin.

SAY NO MORE FT. Tal Heller



Are these true stories?

Yes. Everything I write is a true story. It's impossible for me to rap something unreal and spit it well.


Are you taking an apologetic stance on this record, or a sarcastic stance?

That's up to the listener.


The sounds you used on this record are really unique. What attracted you to them?

Originally this record was just piano and strings. I loved the intimacy and vulnerability of the music. I also loved the fact that it provided me a landscape to tell my story. I wanted to listener to feel the emotion.


Produced By: Jass Bianchi of COLORinSOUND, Robie Rowland of Echo Studios, and Sinima Beats. Chorus Vocals By: Tal Heller. Rap Vocals & Lyrics By: Jass Bianchi

MURMAID ft. p'tah johnson



Compared to your other records, this one seemed darker. 

I believe every person has a darker side to them, it's just some decide to show it more than others.


What made you want to confront such demons in such a public fashion?

Alcoholism is all around us. Every person knows someone or of someone who suffers from this, or some type of drug abuse. It's good to be honest with yourself and others.


What was the creative process like making this track?

I woke up at 4am behind the wheel after I passed out on the side street in Boston and asked myself what the fuck I was doing. When I brought it to P'tah and Aaron of T.R.U.L.Y. Yours Productions, they were just really focused on bringing out the intensity of the track and keeping it true to form- as raw as possible. We added bottle noises in the background of the track and demonic adlibs to represent the grip addiction has.


Produced By: Jass Bianchi of COLORinSOUND, Robie Rowland of Echo Studios, and Aaron Kimbro of T.R.U.L.Y. Yours. Instrumentation by T.R.U.L.Y. Yours and Jass Bianchi. Chorus Lyrics By: Jass Bianchi, P'tah Johnson & Aaron Kimbro.  Chorus Vocals By: P'tah Johnson.

NOT THE ONE ft. tanya dutt



What is this song about?

Life, Learning, and letting go.


Where were you when you wrote this joint? 

I was actually in the studio. My producer had called me up during a snow storm and said he wanted to go through some of his beats. When I stepped into the studio, it was dark and there was a small green light. I took it as a sign that I needed to go in on a few things.


What was your favorite part about making this track?

I love the anger in the song. I love the fact that it speaks with a message and empowers the listener to understand they have choices and decisions they can make about situations. No one has to be stuck. That being said, the vocals were my favorite part about making this track because I wanted to give it an authentic feel and speak from a place I hid for such a long time.


Produced By: Jass Bianchi of COLORinSOUND, and Robie Rowland of Echo Studios. Instrumentation by Robie Rowland and Shahjehan Khan. Chorus Lyrics By: Jass Bianchi. Chorus Vocals By: Tanya Dutt.  Rap Vocals & Lyrics by Jass Bianchi.




What is Born to Dream About?

Never giving up. It's about passion, drive and motivation to keep your dream alive in your everyday existence. No matter how old, young, poor, rich, shy, loud or nationality you are.


What inspired you to create this song?

I wanted to make a positive song about success that doesn't rely on emphasizing the gain of money, naked women, and really any monetary objective. The type of success that can genuinely make others happy with out any of that. Everyone is entitled to dream, and anyone can make their dreams become reality.


There is a heavy alternative rock/pop influence in this song. Did you have any of those influences growing up?

When I was growing up, I'd listen to my Mom blast Norah Jones, Rod Stewart and Fleetwood Mac. My Dad would blast the Beatles, Stones, Bob Marley, Temptations, Chuck Berry, and folk music. My Dad also played guitar and I'd listen to the same damn song every night when I went to bed. I also listened to Red Hot Chili Peppers, Incubus and other bands. It's crazy because Chad Smith's actual snare drum is on this record, as well as the Pr3tty record. Insane how life works!


Produced By: Jass BIanchi of Jass Bianchi of COLORinSOUND, Robie Rowland of Echo Studios, and Sinima Beats. Instrumentation by Shahjehan Khan of the Kominas, DJ Vous, Drum Haven, and Jass Bianchi. Rap Vocals & Lyrics By: Jass Bianchi. Chorus Lyrics by Jass Bianchi & Dustin Newhouse. Vocals By: David Stewart & Dustin Newhouse.

COLOR OF LOVE FT. Alysha russo



What inspired this song?

My cousins. I have three adopted cousins. I went through a lot with them and they continue to go through things that I couldn't even imagine.


Who did you write this for?

My cousins and my friends. I wrote this song to comfort them in their thoughts and their journey. I know that there are a lot of others that feel similar and it pains me to think that some kids feel like they are totally alone in this world.


What is the underlining message?

There is none besides love. Showing love to others around you. There is not one answer, but many. The underlining message is love.


Produced By: Jass Bianchi of COLORinSOUND, Robie Rowland of Echo Studios, and DJ Vous. Instrumentation by Jass Bianchi, and DJ Vous. Chorus Lyrics & Vocals By: Alysha Russo. Rap Vocals & Lyrics By: Jass Bianchi.






This record is really different than the rest of the album...

Yea, I wanted to play around with electro sounds. One of my favorite rappers is Andre 3000 and I love his versatility. I also loved the fact that he incorporated electro funk sounds into his music.


Who did you work with on this record?

I worked with DJ Vous based out of Boston, MA. His work ethic is insane. I gave him the concept of the track and he put his magic touch on it.


What is the essence of the track?

This shit is just for you to feel good and party to. Beast Mode is like when you get with a bunch of your fam and you just go out for a crazy night on the town. Almost like a Hangover night. I am a fan of dance and electronic music, so I wanted to dabble a little.


Produced By: Jass Bianchi of COLORinSOUND,  DJ Vous (Evan Langley), and Robie Rowland of Echo Studios. Instrumentation by DJ Vous. Rap Vocals & Lyrics by Jass Bianchi.




How were you influenced by Rock music?

Funny you should ask. Growing up, my father and brother listened to a lot of rock music. Everything from 50's rock, and the Beatles, to the Pixies, to Led Zepelin. I always liked it, but I was more drawn to hip-hop. Everytime I spoke to older caucasian men, they assumed I knew what they were talking about. I didn't, and sometimes I still don't. Again, not because I don't like Rock music, but because I gravitated more towards hip-hop. I did this track to pay homage to the roots of the music in which was always around me when I was growing up.


What is this song about?

Church, hahahahaa...


Who did you work with on this record?

I produced this record myself, well the basics. Then we had my friend Brad Faucher who is an amazing guitarist come and rip on it.


What is the essence of the track?

To make you rock out, really.


Produced By: Jass Bianchi of COLORinSOUND, and Robie Rowland of Echo Studios. Instrumentation by Jass Bianchi, Brad Faucher, Peter Malagodi, and DJ Vous. Rap Vocals & Lyrics By: Jass Bianchi.




Why did you write this?

I made Caitlin Martin because for a long time I feel like my life is a parody. Whatever God is up there must of decided they really wanted to upset the common law of human life as we know it. Maybe God said "You know what, let's put an awkward, chubby, dorky,  5 ft nothing white girl rapper in the middle of a suburban community, and then make her spend her summers in Yonkers, and add some black cousins in the mix a long with an entourage of gay aunts and lets see how she deals with it...


Who did you write this for?

ME! Hahaha. I wanted to have a little fun with shit. I wrote this song for all of those who can relate to being an outcast, for being the loser in the room, for being the class clown, or for just being you. I also wrote this for all of my friends back home who shared my hip-hop journey with me in high school and college.


Why did you put this on your album?

What better than to introduce yourself with an alter-super hero version of yourself. I feel like the hip-hop community often associates their "real"isms with music that hits hard and is damn serious. Caitlin Martin! was a way for me to truly free and liberate myself by saying- you're stereotypes may be right but I can rap motherfuckers. A lot of other "White Rappers" as the world calls them tend to shy away from their "Whiteness", but fuck it. I am who I am. A "White Girl Rapper."


What were you trying to accomplish when you produced this song?

I was going for weird, comedic, quirky, WTF. I tried to use sounds to reflect these qualities that I believe best define me. I wanted to put in the doo-wop singers voices to enhance comedic value. 


Produced By: Jass Bianchi of COLORinSOUND, and Robie Rowland of Echo Studios. Instrumentation by Jass Bianchi. Rap Vocals & Lyrics By: Jass Bianchi. Chorus Vocals By: Jass BIanchi.




How do you like this record compared to the others? 

Soulful. This record hits my heart melodically.

Kajmir Royale did an amazing job constructing this beat. In post recording, we had a few cats come through and add their touch on it so that it created a live feel.


Do you like working with live instrumentation?

To me it's not even a matter of like, it's necessary for me to function properly. 


How did the creation of this hook come about?

I was zoning in my room when I lived in Yonkers. I lit the candles and looked past the fire escape from my window. The city was painted with lights and I spun a little Billie Holiday for inspiration. After that, I just began writing as I channeled the Harlem Renaissance spirit of poetry and beatnic. Love this track because of the spirit in it.


Produced By: Jass Bianchi of COLORinSOUND, and Robie Rowland of Echo Studios. Instrumentation by Kajmir Royale, DJ Vous and Eric Schindler. Chorus Lyrics & Vocals By: Jass Bianchi.. Rap Vocals & Lyrics By: Jass Bianchi.






What is Pretty about?

Being Pretty.


Would you consider yourself a feminist?

Would you?


Who are you targeting in this song?

Everyone who has a twisted perception of what Pretty is.


Who are those people?



Produced By: Jass Bianchi of COLORinSOUND, Robie Rowland of Echo Studios, and Shahjehan Khan of the Kominas. Instrumentation by Drum Haven, Jass Bianchi, and Shahjehan Khan. Rap Lyrics By: Jass Bianchi.

SHE ft. p'tah johnson



Do you think this track is controversial?


What's so controversial, doesn't America love sex?


Well, yes. However it is about your experiences with women. How do you expect others to take it?


There are so many individuals out there who are not out the closet and have messed with other women on the low, or they find woman attractive. To me, sexuality is nature and cultural stigma is nurture, you can do the math.


This track has a Prince undertone mixed with a rock ballad twist. It's extremely different and pretty in your face. What is the best way to describe this to a listener?

It's a journey, it's music, it's life and most importantly it's the truth. Like it or leave it.


Produced By: Jass Bianchi of COLORinSOUND, Robie Rowland of Echo Studios, and Aaron Kimbro of T.R.U.L.Y. Yours.. Instrumentation by T.R.U.L.Y. Yours, Jorge Moscol, and Jass Bianchi. Chorus Lyrics By: Jass Bianchi, Aaron Kimbro of T.R.U.L.Y. Yours, and P'tah Johnson. Chorus Vocals By: P'tah Johnson.

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